Comment on MMD-Model-Makers's profile

Hipcat44779's avatar
Hi I am completely new to mmd (I literally just got it yesterday) and I have been trying to research online how to make mmd models for myself but it is so confusing :(. I was wondering if someone can make me an mmd model? My oc isn't to crazy, its just Luka's hair in a dark brown (Any shade is fine), Black shorts, headphones and a purple hoodie (any shade is also fine) I know I sound really lazy, stupid and demanding but any help would be gladly appreciated. 
Tdiaz707's avatar
Yeah, its like super hard to make an mmd model. And for me, its also very difficult to use mmd. When i was using it, before my laptop defused, the only problem i had was AVI rendering. IT WAS SOOOOOO SLOW! So i got super frustrated and quit mmd. Then i tried again, and the same problem happened, then i quit again, and once i get to go try again, my laptop defuses! So once i get a new laptop, i would really need help, and it'll be nice if i could make you models, and you could help me with my AVI rendering problems in mmd? But it won't be any time soon :(. I need to get a new laptop and it'll be much later ^-^
Hipcat44779's avatar
What version of MMD?
Hipcat44779's avatar
That Would be Amazing! Take All the time you need :) u r such an amazing person :)
Hipcat44779's avatar
Oh any brown eyes with Hastune miku skintone (I don't know how specific I have to be XD)