Comment on PenStrokePony's profile

V-Oblivion's avatar

I was merely to pass by and congratulate the great story Past Sins (and its extensions) is but then I read the journal. Damn, I can't imagine how something so cherished as one's creation to be defiled by other person’s sicknesses, I don’t meant to be rude but… moving on.

I am here to give a good note regarding a good read and I will: thank you for the great little world you have created, is a very simple yet so well balanced one its quite easy to get lost into it (I read all the Nyx contend you created on 3 days) and look forward for more greatness in the future (I won't lie, I so hope is a near one)

I will give a look to your other pieces, they do look interesting, but right now I wanted to give my thoughts while the words still been fresh in my mind.

Once more I thank you for the great job you have done, wish you good luck with that issue of FB and decide you the bests of  inspirations with your future projects, Nyx involved or not.

Att: V-Oblivion
PD: Sorry for the long rant O3Ob