BroFistCosplay's avatar
pft lol, idk why you'd want our autograph we're really nothing special but nah we wouldn't mind lol
yull-vs-lucky's avatar
not special? you guys are truly amazing! you guys are like your idols for cosplaying!
BroFistCosplay's avatar
>///< thank you so much!<3
yull-vs-lucky's avatar
anytime~ ^w^ we love you guys~ <3
BroFistCosplay's avatar
>w< man now we must meet you
yull-vs-lucky's avatar
awweh thanks~ don't worry though we shall see you at AX, since we are going to be there all 4 days
BroFistCosplay's avatar
same, well not entirely sure about the other members but i (deniigi-studios) will be^^
yull-vs-lucky's avatar
then you my dear shall be my best friend of all eternity!!