Comment on Eslee's profile

DakotaInTheMorning's avatar
Oh okay, I understand that happens.
We'll if you do start to feel like making more art in the future, I look forward to seeing it :)
Eslee's avatar
Thank you, it's really nice of you to say so.
I hope I'll start making something finally, because being in hiatus like that is such a pain in the ass most of the time. XD
DakotaInTheMorning's avatar
oh that's okay,
Well I think that if you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it
forcing yourself into drawing will just tire you out even more
better to wait until your ready,
and its not like your fans can't wait 
Eslee's avatar
Heh, you're definitely right, It's just frustrating sometimes, that you think that you waited long enough, and then it's still not enough.
But it's better to do something ehen you just like it, than do anything for just doing it.