Comment on Beeku's profile

Beeku's avatar
I'm looking for beta testers, maybe story writers, or if you know any good non commercial bg songs you can recommend it to me. 
GothicDemonGirl's avatar
If you need beta testers I wouldn't mind testing it before it gets released to the public. :)
Um, writing isn't my stronger side ^^; so I'm not sure if I can help out much at that part.
As for the song part....hmm...well I don't know about those kinds of songs, but I do know two people who make really nice music while playing the piano. I mean not like personally, but I follow them on sites like YouTube or Soundcloud so I can check out their latest work. So if you're interested I would recommend you to check out their sites/profiles in hope that maybe you can find something you like. :hmm:
Beeku's avatar
Thank you very much. As it stands for a beta tester I might have to work on the game one route at a time- so you can only romance one digi boy and everyone else gives you a blank stare like a zombie until I program their brains =in haha
GothicDemonGirl's avatar
That's alright with me. :)
And lol when you say it like that it sounds like they're zombies xDD hahaha
Beeku's avatar
I just tend to put "..." as a place holder for dialogue until I can actually program something in. So in a weird way it IS possible to still play their routes, but you would have no idea what they were saying, or why they actually like you since all the options appear as "..." right or wrong answer. 
GothicDemonGirl's avatar
Oh I see....
Well I'm still curious to see what the game looks like. x3 as for the dialog I can just imagine things till you put them in.