Comment on Commission's profile

TheNass's avatar
Thx a lot for the watch!
Commission's avatar
thx for the tutorial. So far i have just been reading up on my
own and i needed that help. In your swatches those are the
ones you use most. How do you get it so that they will only
show the ones you want. I get tired of looking through all of
the swatches. But thanks man.....
TheNass's avatar
You're welcome :)
Sadly, in PSCS you have to delete them one by one. But once you've deleted them all, you can save that as a blank one.
In PSCS2 it's possible by selecting each one of them by holding shift. Not sure though
Commission's avatar
thx. How long have you been coloring? I mean how long did it take you to good where you are now?
TheNass's avatar
Euhm, about 2 years I think