Comment on GoWeegie's profile

GoWeegie's avatar
I just now posted a new Pokemon fanfic, if you're interested in reading it. It's a pretty cool idea that I came up with... but by the end of it, I was shouting how terrible it was. You should read it sometime. ;) If you're interested in a few emotions.
Awoken-Artist's avatar
awesome and eh i'll check it out but im not really a pokemon fan to be frankley honest. never got into it. ever. aaah XD
GoWeegie's avatar
It's fun to imagine things in a forest-like area with a bunch of Pokemon, though. And if you let your imagination wander, you can come up with some pretty cool ideas. And if you have a memory that's as accurate and radical as mine... then you should be able to write a story out of it.
Awoken-Artist's avatar