Comment on Kurai-Buni's profile

Kurai-Buni's avatar
Still 15 points, hehe
QueenOfHearts67's avatar
Can you do 4 Customs Adopts? ;;w;;"?
Touhou related? ;;w;;
Kurai-Buni's avatar
Sure! I'll get right to it!
Just tell me the Kemonomimi / Species [Vampire, Youkai, Kitsune, Etc] you want them to be uvu
QueenOfHearts67's avatar
Can the 2 be Kemonomimi and the 2 be vampire. ;;w;;
(I forgot what is a Kiusune was ;w;" )
Kurai-Buni's avatar
Kitsune - Nine Tailed Fox
QueenOfHearts67's avatar
Oh! OuO i change my mind onthe vampires may i have kitsune's instead? ;;u;;
Kurai-Buni's avatar
Sure! I'll get to it! uvu
QueenOfHearts67's avatar
Yay thank you ;;u;;