RinShi-Zento's avatar
So uh

How well endowend are you, bby?

Shh it's ok i wont judge.
LuanaBladeInTheDark's avatar
ShIt MaN
RinShi-Zento's avatar
haha, god i love Ask Gamzee XD
LuanaBladeInTheDark's avatar
mE tOo MoThErFuCkEr (o:

RinShi-Zento's avatar
Cosplaying as Gamzee at the end of the semester of school! :D

oh! also
Gamzee, have you ever mixed Faygo with your pies?
if so, how was it?
LuanaBladeInTheDark's avatar
SeEmS lEgIt (o:

ImMa CoSpLaY aS mY fAnTrOlL mOsT lIkElY...

...... hOlY sHiIiIiI-
//pAsSeS tHe MoThErFuCk OuT.
RinShi-Zento's avatar
if i ever gave you Sober Flavored Pie, would you where a firlly dress?>_>?
LuanaBladeInTheDark's avatar
//PaSsEs ThE mOtHeRfUcK oUt.
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