Comment on KowaiSenpai's profile

vibrantIy's avatar
((I totally forgot how much I love your art style! Too bad I only know how to draw in the South Park style really crappily))
KowaiSenpai's avatar
X//D thank you VERY much! }}
vibrantIy's avatar
((Of course! I'm really jealous of it. I've only been drawing ponies for a LONG time, and drawing SP digital art is way to hard for me :P))
KowaiSenpai's avatar
I've been drawing a lot of different things for a long time now! X'D this account is just for fun~:heart: }}
vibrantIy's avatar
((Yeah, you've been on here longer than I have with my mane account :)))
KowaiSenpai's avatar
My main account has been active for 4 years and that's not even my first account! X/D }}
vibrantIy's avatar