Comment on EHXKOR's profile

Doomed-X's avatar
For some reason I feel that we could get on well and maybe even be friends... you look interesting~
I guess I'll try to talk to you again later when I'm less nervous, if that ever happens...
For now I'll watch you, I love your drawings!
EHXKOR's avatar
Aw well thank you so much, budbud~ ^^;
Doomed-X's avatar
I really hope I didn't bother you, I'm sorry if I did, I really didn't mean to...
I see you hate your life too, and I kinda feel like I need to do something to make you feel at least a bit better because somebody did that for me and I have to pay my debt... sorry, I don't know how to explain it...
I'd like to meet more people like me, I think I need it, and maybe even make some friends though I think I already forgot how to make real friends but whatever, if things don't flow, they just don't and there's no need to force or rush something that should come naturally...

sorry, I divagate too much .n.
EHXKOR's avatar
Oh no worries you're not bothering me at all ^^;
Gh i'm so socially awjward tbh ghhhhhhhh i'm basically antisocial xD
Doomed-X's avatar
Sorry, I was a bit scared... the same goes for me, basically antisocial, I only talk to people on the internet because it's less scary like that...
EHXKOR's avatar
I know the feels, budbud