Comment on TomFraggle's profile

xHalesx's avatar
Hi! Cookie here.

I noticed that you asked for critiques on your vectors! It seems like you didn't get any, but I am here to deliver. I am going to start from your very first vector to your most recent one. 

I do understand that your first few vectors were really your first few vectors and that they probably have a TON of mistakes in them. That is the point of me critiquing you! None of this is meant to offend you, but to simply help you. 

This took me 3 hours to do, but it'll be worth it for you to improve. Don't feel bad that I took 3 hours of my time just to help you. I wanted to do just that.

I have provided you with visual aids that mark your mistakes in your vectors. I will post them so you can look off of them. I will list your mistakes in order from the top of the body to the tail.

Now, let's begin, shall we? Refer to this. "Twilight Sparkle My First Vector" - Ear: The major mistake in this vector, in my opinion, is the ear.
-Both ends of Twilight's ear need to be more pointed than they are.
-The tip of her ear is not pointed. I provided you with the shape of her ear on the side.
-Her ear line should be tilted to the right some more and it should be slightly lower. 

Eye: The only thing that really needs fixing here is the eyelashes.
-All of the eyelashes need to be more pointed.

Face: Self explanatory. 
-The part of her muzzle that's circled here is too pointy. The muzzle here needs to be curvier and smoother. 
-Both teeth strokes need to be slightly enlarged. 

Mane + Tail: Very well done on this part. But it's not free of errors.
-The strokes that are circled in Twilight's mane do not go through her hair completely.
-I forgot to circle this part, but on the end of Twilight's tail where her tail splits in two, the stroke size varies, which you should NEVER do.

Body: Good job on the hooves for your first vector. Hooves are usually hard to get perfect.
-Where Twilight's neck and body meet; that should be pointed. 
-Twilight's leg stroke varies here, again not something you should do. 
-The stroke varies on Twilight's hoof here, too. "It's Pinkie Pie!" - You will probably notice a ton of mistakes that I have circled here. Don't let that concern you - we're here to learn, after all.

Mane + Tail:
-Most of the circles on Pinkie's mane are just where the stroke varies. 
-I circled most of the places where it points on her mane for two reasons: One is because the points look very strange, and because her mane is supposed to point where it isn't pointing. 
-At the top of Pinkie's tail, it's too pointy. 
-Why isn't the swirl on the edge of her tail? It looks very strange the way you put it.
-The strokes at the end of Pinkie's tail are supposed to connect together and make a point.

-The ear is too pointy. I provided the shape that her ear is supposed to be on the left.
-Pinkie's face stroke should not be behind the eye.
-The stroke at the end of Pinkie's nose looks super pointy and weird.
-Pinkie's nostril needs to be moved slightly upwards.
-Pinkie's chin is too pointy, and the end of her chin needs to be pointier. 
-The stroke doesn't connect all the way at her hind leg.
-What happened to her hoof? Why does it look like it got cut off?
-The stroke varies on her leg, again.
-The rest on her hooves that are circled are too pointy when they shouldn't be pointy at all.

-The stroke varies on both eyelashes, but I didn't circle the other one.

Since I have a ton of your vectors to critique, I will continue them in different comments. Cheers!
TomFraggle's avatar

Wow!  I just assumed since nobody had said anything for so long, I wasn't making too many mistakes.  I knew I had errors in these and was hoping for some sort of feedback, especially my first dozen vectors, but it looks like I got a LOT to learn yet about vectors.  It appears though I slowly improved some on my own in the more recent vectors.  THANK YOU for taking time out of your day to do this.  When I get a free moment to read all this, I will definitely learn from all this and improve.  All these vectors you see so far have come from Season 1(Episodes 1 - 5)(Do you need time spots?), so yeah, I'm sure they'll have issues with some strokes and edges, they almost look the same way in the cartoon so I just assumed that's how the vector was supposed to look to be show accurate.  Learned something from you already. =D

Just skimming through till I get a chance to study your circles and comments more indepth, it looks like I got the pointy ear thing going pretty good.  <lol>  They were pointer than that until I saw a livestream one time of Bernd01 explaining to someone else about the pointy ear thing and thought I'd better take care of my pointy ears during my cleanup part, I'll have to fix that issue again.  I tried to make sure the vectors were as correct as possible before I posted them, especially my more recent ones, and I'm amazed at how much I still missed.  Appreciate you pointing these out, this will help me to study future vectors more closely for issues when looking over them to make corrections before posting.

Yes, I use GIMP for vectoring even though I know I shouldn't be.  Later when I got time, I'll explain why I haven't posted in Inkscape or Ponyscape yet.  Maybe you can help me with some pointers to overcome my art block I have using (Ink/Pony)scape.  I ran into issues with Inkscape & Ponyscape and found GIMP easier to use for the moment.  Later this weekend or next week(RL just got busy again last week so I'm short on time right now and might not be posting anything for a week or two), when I get a chance to really go over your circled examples and your comments, is it okay if I can comment and ask more questions if I have any?

Once again, thanks for taking time to do this!  :thumbsup:

xHalesx's avatar
Of course! I like to help anybody that I can out with vectors. Yes, the ponies in the first few episodes of MLP do look quite different than they do today, but when you vector them out just ignore the extra black lines or anything you think looks like an animation error. I'm glad that I could teach you something, though. :D

It's okay that you had the pointy ear thing a lot - I used to do the same exact thing with my vectors when I was first learning. I've been vectoring ponies for quite some time and I learned (from the MLP-VectorClub) that ears aren't pointy but rounded. Heh, someone like me who has vectored a lot can stake out mistakes in vectors pretty easily :D though there may be a few that I missed, I think I got most of 'em! 

I would love to help you use Ponyscape (Ponyscape would be better to use)! I can teach you all you need to become a great vector artist ;) if you submit to popular vector groups then the admins in those groups can also help you stake out mistakes. Absolutely. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me. You can note me, comment on my profile or what-not. 

You're very welcome! I'm just glad I could help someone out :)
