FourthFilly4th's avatar
She has to make sure she has title for the picture, the mature content selected, optional description, tags for the picture, and a selected category. If she's done all that and it still doesn't work, then I'm not all to sure. It could be deviantArt being buggy as it usually is.
Shinychicadee's avatar
Well she knows how to do all that, but she says the submit button is not there, im not sure if its in the part where it says submit art on da page or if its after you click the button.
FourthFilly4th's avatar
Does she "save & exit" on the submission page, or does she try to submit it right away?
Shinychicadee's avatar
i dont know. i  have to ask her?
FourthFilly4th's avatar
Yeah, it's the only way to understand her situation better.