Comment on ArisenStar's profile

MintyShy's avatar
fun fact: the person who invented basketball was canadian
you'll never guess what class I learned it in though
ArisenStar's avatar
Damn it I love fun facts

But that was a fun fact I already knew..

But here's one for you

Basketball was invented in the very city I live in, in one of the most renowned universities in the world ;p

Lemme guess.........history
MintyShy's avatar
Well I never knew that.

That's cool, is it sad that I don't know any canadian universities.
I don't think my city is special... but we have the first professional baseball team.
Try to find the name of the team. 
It's going to give away the name of my city but whatever.

would you believe me if I said I learned it in Italian class
ArisenStar's avatar
Well if there's one you should know, it's McGill University, that's like...our Harvard.

Cincinnatii ?. .. .red stockings d'aww
MintyShy's avatar
Well I know one now.

Yeah it's Cincy... you even found there original name since they changed there name to just "the Reds" years ago. They also suck at baseball now.

we were learning nationalities
Neo è carino canadese