mortalshinobi's avatar
yeah. i heard. it's bs. not that she could have been at one point but that it ignores that she's had a lot of interest in men in general. so if dc hadn't lost me yet, it did now
godofwarlover's avatar
I ship Superman/Wonder Woman and now this happened. At least Superman and Wonder Woman made sense. I really hope one day someone deconstructs this goddamn fad that is in the media
mortalshinobi's avatar
i ship her with sman myself or batman. but the whole thing they're doing now to be "progressive" is just going to hurt them. perhaps not this, but if we look at marvel, they're killing their sales. as some have said, especially with the appearance of comixology for independents, the major name comics are heading for a market crash. marvel is keeping itself up through the movies but dc is struggling. and marvel may start losing sales too. one can only wonder how long they can do this.
godofwarlover's avatar
Do you think Korra's comics are going to sell or not? Because it started doing the same damn thing
mortalshinobi's avatar
sorta but not really. i think it wont' do as well as aang's did and aang's weren't particularly popular from what i know. korra is less so so i think it won't sell that great even without sjw nonesense. if the sjw stuff is heavy in it that'll push a lot of readers away like it did with femthor. so it'll sell even less if that's the case
godofwarlover's avatar
Something tells me the villains in the comic will be caricatures of us people who called out Bryan's bullshit after the ending was shown since he is known to be a fucktard to people who criticizes him
mortalshinobi's avatar
that's what they did in helga queen of hell. the comic has since been removed from marvel's comic series as it bombed that bad. bryan does that, he'll make certain to kill his comic. there aren't as many sjw's out there as the sjw's would like us to believe
godofwarlover's avatar
I have a feeling he will since he messed with Zutara fans in the original comic
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