Comment on zimvader42's profile

Jupaloopa's avatar
ok :D 
* went to the furture and comes back and give you one * their :D( wait you want me to draw one?)
zimvader42's avatar
Ok, but it has to be specifically a, *coughs and takes breath, activates caps lock*, MAGICAL.FLYING.CYBORG.DRAGON.FROM.THE.FUTURE. If the drawing lacks any of those details, the emperor of cyborg-dragons from the future will personally come back and steal all our oreos, so mankind's counting on you.
Jupaloopa's avatar
ok ? are you being random or something?
zimvader42's avatar
Yep. Absolutely. Is... is that bad? D:
Jupaloopa's avatar
no I just thought you were always serouse ^^' but I guess I am wrong so what do you want for your gift?
zimvader42's avatar
Oh, I see where you come from... I'm serious most of the tim..... wait, how the hell do you know I'm always serious?? XD anyways is just that I just ate pizza and yesterday I got some oreos and I'm happy about it. And well, the gift, the dragon gift, draw it if you please, and then I'll give it a watch and the obligatory fav, since is not possible to come across a pic of a cyborg-dragon and not fav it. That's how it works in DA I guess.
Jupaloopa's avatar
ok and how I know well I just look at your artwork and I see you don't draw anything funny or random so I jus guessed that you are a searious person
zimvader42's avatar
That's a weird system to determine someone's personality to be honest XD
But oh welll, I do draw funny and random stuff, but I keep it for myself. At least, it is random and funny for my (extremely low) standards of what funny and random things are.
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