adventurepirate's avatar
pls reply when you're ready :seala: 
adventurepirate's avatar
hur dur
look i fail to be online
this is tough
lol we need an absolute time
got any suggestions
(probably not tomorrow afternoon though cause i have a recital)
IBGalaxy's avatar
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm on and off during weekends so maybe not this weekend but eventually. You have Skype tho so just message me there more likely to answer!
adventurepirate's avatar
yus i hasn't forgottens
improper grammar on purpose
lol i've been starting to talk to terrorisnear more often on Skype so NO I HAS NOT FORGOTTENS
IBGalaxy's avatar
How is she btw she just up and left real quick.
adventurepirate's avatar
She got banned for apparently telling someone somebody else's password
but they had no freaking proof 
dA staff literally refused to give her ANY proof at all
which is why dA staff is definitely one of my top pics for least favorite things on the face of the earth DX
she's on Weasyl though
IBGalaxy's avatar