ClarinettoMafioso's avatar
BRUUUHHHH. I'VE SEEN IT AROUND AND I WAS LIKE, THIS CAN'T BE REAL. When I found out it was a legit manga based on the Second Tetrology and on sale in English at places like Barnes and Noble and Target, I kind of freaked.
I want to read it so bad, but at the same time, the Harry 6.0 and R3 plays played with my emotions so much and Rose King will probably be even worse.
But I'll still end up rigorously hunting it down because I kind of really need it XP
what a time to be alive, oh my goodness.
Vixenfurr's avatar
YEAHHHH DUDE dude you need to read it it's freaking amazing. Like, that manga is a freaking masterpiece. I don't even... like.. it's sick. All I can say is, I will be using poses from that manga as reference in my future works, because there are some BADASS shots of Richard of York fighting. With a big-ass cape. I need those shots for my Richard, man. XD
Yeah truly a time to be alive, shit man. I'm in love with this manga. uwu
ClarinettoMafioso's avatar
Welp, I guess it's time for book shopping again~ :la:
Vixenfurr's avatar