Comment on zoomzoom's profile

Djake's avatar
Funny enough, there has been a recent (and somewhat lengthy) discussion on our admin forums about what constitutes "Black Art."  We're still working on a consensus - mostly owing to the fact that everyone has their own aesthetic.
Honestly, I'd recommend simply submitting anything that you feel fits - e.g. items like the works I recommended to our gallery.  Worst case scenario: we would simply decline the piece and thank you for your time and interest.  Often, our admins enjoy the chance to look at a lovely image, even if it is declined, and will pass it around to the rest of us for enjoyment (and possibly submission to their other galleries, if applicable) - so even a piece that is not accepted can help draw attention to your work.
I'm in sort of the same boat as you, actually.  My lady is of East Indian and Native South American ancestry, with a smidgeon of African and Portuguese; and I often find myself wondering if such images belong in an Afro-centric group gallery.  The same is true of the tribe I invented for a fantasy-type setting, who have more in common with the natives of Amazonia and Papua New Guinea than Africa.  So far, though, no one has complained.  In fact, they've made me an admin; so I recommend going for it.  ^_^