Comment on MrEnter's profile

loerguy's avatar
I have a few suggestions for Atrocities you could do from shows that (in my opinion, at least) are generally otherwise decent:
American Dad!: "Max Jets"(FOX/TBS?)-A high order idiot plot, unneeded grossout, egregious lapses in logic and a massive plot hole dismissed through lamp shading.
Wander Over Yonder: "The Tourist"(Disney)-Wander becomes really competitive to the point of being completely inconsiderate toward Sylvia, which struck me as out of character.
Salad Fingers: "Birthday"(web cartoon)this one has a sort of "House Fancy" effect for me. Most of it isn't that bad (for a deliberately disturbing horror series, mind you) but one scene really rubs me the wrong way.

I tried to keep it spoiler-free, but I can be more specific if you like.