kotakitty262's avatar
Haha thank you XD and I missed you to! How have you been? I've missed a lot of things seems now a days things are just flying bt me hah
PuppetLilone's avatar
I feel it! I'm alright going through a lot but still alive. I'm glad you are drawing lots and lots. Ive seen them on facebook. How have you been hows everything down there?
kotakitty262's avatar
I'm okay finiahing up college and trying ti find a summer job nothing really changes down here I've gotten better with my makeup and junk and I'm slowly getting better with drawing full bodies and furries! XD digitally that is and I'm sorry you know you can always talk to me about anything
PuppetLilone's avatar
I know I can hunny. I miss you a ton and your art is improving lots! I'm sure you'll find a job.