Comment on Krysel1992's profile

Krysel1992's avatar
It's hard moving forward though, it seems like things are getting worse and nothing wants to change. I used to think that it was pathetic wanting to go back in time and change things, cause that was just an excuse to escape the current situation. But knowing what I know now, I wouldn't mind doing it so much.
AlexTobyTeam's avatar
Yeah... the world just seems to be getting worse and worse. Not sure if you meant the world in general, or just your situation, but... definitely the world. Everyone who has the actual power to change anything aren't doing anything to change, and the people who want change have no power to actually change anything.

And, yeah, as pointless as it is to want to change the past, I wouldn't mind doing it if I could. Still, that isn't even taking into account the butterfly effect... ugh, time travel is confusing.