Critterkinz's avatar
Honestly? I'd probably have to say my friends, and mostly the ones who also enjoy drawing, writing, ect. It was one of them who introduced me to this site. My friends have always just helped me out when I needed it, and I'm thankful for that. Also my brother supported me when I started doing digital art.
Two4Tea's avatar
Thank you so much for your response. 
It is really interesting to me to see who the supporters are.
It seems so often that people closest to an artist (parents, etc.) are not really that supportive of the artist, as if they see creativity as frivolous. 

I am glad that you have supportive friends. 

BTW, are you self-taught?  And how about the animations?  I am seeing a lot more of that since coming to this site and wondering how all of you learned this.
Critterkinz's avatar
Yes, I am self-taught. I tend to draw more on paper than digitally. And the animations, I use one of the many bases people create. I also only do frame animation.
Two4Tea's avatar
Thanks for your responses. 
Critterkinz's avatar