Comment on RL-182's profile

xXxshadowsneakxXx's avatar
So, Spartan. Am I going to see you on the new battlegrounds of Halo 5?
RL-182's avatar
Well of course! It IS two days after my birthday!
xXxshadowsneakxXx's avatar
Whaaaaat?! I need to start your present, then.
RL-182's avatar
Just for the record my b-day is the 25th of this month, you've got some time!
xXxshadowsneakxXx's avatar
But ideas, bro. I need to come up with something.

For the record, I thought of something awesome while typing this involving 211 and Rick. >:3
RL-182's avatar
Oh... well I look foward to that! Have fun!