Comment on starynight9846's profile

KillingMyAngel's avatar
I was wondering if you wanted to do an art trade sometime !
Whenever you're not busy, of course. I love doing them with you. :^3
starynight9846's avatar
Sure i would love too ^-^

I like trades they r fun
KillingMyAngel's avatar
Awesome!! What would you like me to draw for you? I haven't decided what I'd like yet :^P
starynight9846's avatar
Ok just let me know a theam makes it way easyer for me to think ^-^.. iv thinking really hard on ideas lol.. i have 2 theams and u can pick what one to do for me..

1st theam- january my birth month.. i like snow flacks and i love my birth stone the garnet (a deep red gem)


2nd theam- stars.. like a celestial look (exm: Princess Luna from my little pony friendship is magic) or something cool lol

What ever idea just pops in ur head is ganna be awsome ^-^
KillingMyAngel's avatar
so you want a design for your side ? :^P I could also draw a character of yours!
but anything is fine with me <3

hmm,, and for mine,, maybe you could draw Yam?
you can also see her full marking and stuff here, but her body type is the newer one! :^3
you can draw her however you'd like! if you need any info on her, just ask.
starynight9846's avatar
lol ^-^ inless theres a character u REALLY want to draw go for it lol I don't mind.. I just cant think of witch one.. i'll love anything u deside to draw >w<

cool shes so cute.. all ready have a idea ^-^
KillingMyAngel's avatar
Alright! I'd be happy to design you something <3

And awesome! I can't wait to see how it comes out!! :'^D