Comment on Zephyr2109's profile

lazymangaka's avatar
You know, Zeph, when I saw "Tommy" at the top of the page there, I just stared for a moment, then it hit me: Zephyr cannot possibly be your real name, yet I never once questioned that it wasn't. I never even gave a moment's thought to the fact that you might have a real one.l

Zephyr2109's avatar
lol yep, tommy's the name, although some girls have the name Zephyr, but its usually spelled Zepher, I just stole the name from one of the multiple Djinn's in that old GBA rpg Golden Sun (Best handheld rpg ever, need golden sun 3)
lazymangaka's avatar

*runs off to do GS fanart*
Zephyr2109's avatar
wow good idea, I might do that, or just steal Felix's appearance as the character for that story I'm trying to work or the other lol