Comment on Huwman's profile

Huwman's avatar
Yeah, I saw this on the radio, as we used to say. Never a big speed fan, although we did a bit back in the day. I'm too hyper as it is so I like a bit of weed and whiskey to relax. This crap is just trouble.
WonderMuddle's avatar
I never really bothered with drugs. In span of seven years I probably smoked marijuana roughly around fifteen times. I think I've always been too anti-social to get into drugs. I spend too much time in my head to really get that mixed up with people. It's one of my many autistic traits. Yeah, my doctor wants me to pay more attention to my senses and see what's going on in the physical world and I guess that includes interacting with people. Maybe those people will offer me drugs so I can get as experienced as you, because you're like so far out, dude!
Huwman's avatar
You can take drugs by yourself, you know ... Not that I'm suggesting you should. Just saying.
WonderMuddle's avatar
It would probably be very boring.
Huwman's avatar
It can actually be great if you go for a walk or something. Just sitting in the house high is usually boring.
WonderMuddle's avatar
I get high on life and going to church.