Comment on GGalleonAlliance's profile

pokeczarelf's avatar
About what you said about the game called Paladins. I played it, it's awsome.
GGalleonAlliance's avatar
Told you. Its pretty awesome.
BTW, add me in Steam. Name's Plasmyr Shot in there.
And one question; what is your mostly used champion?
pokeczarelf's avatar
I don't have steam account, i only play in the regular game.

I can't believe it plays like Overwatch, but in a different ways that makes Paladins is NOT a rip-off of Overwatch.
pokeczarelf's avatar
Ah okay. 

The only Heroes that i'm very good at(The other heroes, i'll need some more practice) was Pip, Ruckus, Androxus and Sha Lin.
GGalleonAlliance's avatar
Welp, mines Viktor, Ying, Tyra, Skye, Cassie, Makoa, Ruckus, and Androxus.