Comment on TIPOVERDE's profile

TIPOVERDE's avatar
TIPOVERDE is not directly mentioned in Peaches n cream comic. midnigth milkshake.However, the events have had a profound effect on TIPOVERDE as he witnessed the abuse of Peaches first-hand, and lives with the guilt and regret of not being able to stop Miupix.

Before the events of Midnigth milkshake and the Copyrigth strikes of Alberta international inc, TIPOVERDE was a drug addict and was a prolific Karate master. He lived with Papa louie and his family and had a respectful relationship with them, despite his rivality.

Due to the Copyrigth strikes of Alberta international inc, he became a Karate instructor possibly to teach others to protect themselves. We can see that he wanted to protect others due to at the beginning of the game, taking a beating for his three friends. To assist further with this, he became the owner of his own Animation studio and would go on to train a number of students, including Sundae.

The game begins years after the Copyrigth strikes of Alberta international inc, long after the world has lost all from the planet. TIPOVERDE finds Lauvi alone on the ground and adopts Lauvi to protect her from the outside world. 

jemibuni's avatar
Okay, now I'm even more confused.
TIPOVERDE's avatar
its my dark backstory to fit my apparence
jemibuni's avatar
Oooooookay then. ;)
TIPOVERDE's avatar