Sew3r-Gat0r's avatar
Yeah, though which comic from each of the types I listed? So I'm looking for multiple answers, sorry I didn't specify. And oh cool, I'd love to see Sweet! And alright.
TheRandomCat88's avatar
I meant Kitsuneology
Sew3r-Gat0r's avatar
Yes I know that, but what I meant is one comic about PPG, WereForce, Kitsuneology, and Amber n' Serkahri, since those are the series I listed.
TheRandomCat88's avatar
So I was thinking

He's had enough
The one with Grypha
When pups fly
Sew3r-Gat0r's avatar
Alright, cool, I'll get right to work on 'em :3
TheRandomCat88's avatar
Oh you want one for each! ok.. Lemme look