Comment on adnileb's profile

Lawli-Art's avatar

  Welcome to Rising-Artists, the most awesomesaucetastic group ever. (I'm saying this with a straight face, by the way.) RA is dedicated to helping and supporting beginning to intermediate artists by hosting a variety of weekly/bi-weekly events such as Contests, Friday Favorites, Random Member Features, and even a new Series of issues called Interviews!! (Group & Submission Rules Here.)  :dontpoke: 

And aside from the obligatory-"Welcome, this is why this group is so spectacular, blah yada yada, and so on," We're (At least I am!) very glad to have you here with us-I hope you have an awesome time!-so if you have any suggestions, concerns, questions, or anything else, feel free to note or comment, and we'll try to address it as soon as possible!! Tight Hug 
Ashamed (Sorry for how long this message is-`(O////O)-But at least you didn't get the 7-paragraph one that was rejected as spam!!)

                       Llama Emoji-09 (Drinking Tea) [V1] Lawli-Art, Co-Admin & Co.

P.S. Also, I insist on a cookie from Granny Simply's cookie jar, filled to the brim with amazing miracles and marvelous wonders never seen before. She (Simply, not the cookie jar.) is also the sole reason why RA hasn't collapsed yet.