cheddarpaladin's avatar
Holycrap! Oh, awesome, man! Thanks for watching me with your new account. I appreciate the compliment as well.
BlimpsAhoy's avatar
Yeah, no problem! We should do an art trade sometime.
cheddarpaladin's avatar
Sure, whenever you want. Sounds cool.
BlimpsAhoy's avatar
Okay I've had a chance to think, and now I'm ready to make a request. I'm after a team drawing of my pokemon lineup if you're up for it. Do you have a group of characters you want me to draw in return?
cheddarpaladin's avatar
Dude, I'll draw your team and you can draw mine.
I've been playing Blue recently, there are a few from Red that I miss though.
I'm going to look into it, and come up with an ideal team for myself. Post your team, and I'll reply to that message with mine. I'll have figured out exactly what I would use by then, methinks. I can tell you now, it's going to be all G1 style. I never got Gold/Sliver or any of the ones after that. I'd still draw new Pokemon for your team, though so you don't have to limit yourself to G1 for my sake.
BlimpsAhoy's avatar
Oh, cool! I am excited that you're down for this. I am actually playing Red right now, so sticking to G1 is fine. My team in Red is far from ideal, but I like to derive humor from the fact that they're imperfect.

It's currently Gloom (smelly/disgusting), Graveler, Charmeleon, Nidorino (all tough), Pidgeotto (doomed to be cut), and Hypno (no pupils and a little on the creepy side).

If you really want to go all out, there are two Pokemon in my comic that aren't in my lineup anymore. Refer to this episode to see how I drew the horrifying Golbat and the smart ass talking Pikachu.

You can also see how I draw myself as a trainer/cartoon character. Do you want me to draw you as the Cheddar Paladin?