Comment on Shinkan-Seto's profile

LegolasPanther's avatar
Hey, Panther here ^_^

Just curious when are you going to do some new cosplays? ≧ω≦

~With all Pantherity,

The Lego Panther~
Shinkan-Seto's avatar
Hi there :)

Thank you for your interest in my works!

Maybe never.
LegolasPanther's avatar
Is it okay if I ask why? ^_^ I mean, you have an awesome talent in expressing characters :-)
Shinkan-Seto's avatar
I have gained weight and have deep depressions at the moment.
Thank you for your concern.
LegolasPanther's avatar
I may not know you at all, but I hope you get better all the same ^_^ never lose what you already have because there is always new ways to do so ^_^

With sincerity,

Shinkan-Seto's avatar
Thank you for your support.
To be honest I am happy that I could finally quit. :)