Comment on eychanchan's profile

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Drake-Darkess's avatar
Hey, when I clicked on your journal tab, I got a pop-up asking for "authentication". It was asking for a username and password, yet took me to your journal anyway, so I'm thinking a little hacking virus might have attached itself to your page or something.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never encountered this on anyone else's page.
Krinmu's avatar
me to! i just exed it out
Drake-Darkess's avatar
Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one that happened to ;o;
ExplodingCatss's avatar
Hey her website just went down all of the sudden maybe it's connected or something?
Drake-Darkess's avatar
Maybe :\ The pop-up I got did mention her website. When I clicked to go view her journals,
it said I needed the username and password to go to her website, even though I was looking at her DA.
I sure hope everything is ok :\
eychanchan's avatar
OH. I think I know what happened. I linked to something from my personal website, which I later password protected. It's nothing to be worried about on your end; I just need to delete that link :XD:
Thank you for bringing that to my attention though!
Drake-Darkess's avatar
Lol you're welcome! I just recall seeing similar popups on other sites,
and when I asked around, people said it was hacking thing xp
Good to hear everything's fine!