Comment on suzuran's profile

suzuran's avatar
Thank you :)!! 

I get inspiration all over the place, mostly from anime and videogames, sometimes tv shows that I throw on the background :)  If you're having problems lacking the patience to stay in front of the laptop, here's some things that can help:

- setting up your workspace so that it's entirely comfortable. This makes a huuuuge difference. Getting comfy pillows and what not can really also help your posture when you're just hunched over drawing
- take breaks and stretch a bit, even going to the kitchen to make some (healthy!!) foods will help you clear you mind, and it will also help you look at your picture from a fresh perspective 
- decide to watch a youtube video or a TV show episode once you get too tired, but don't get too distracted and come back to your work!!! this can be very dangerous @_@ 

Just keep diligent and keep at it :)  Your drawing stamina will increase over time!  Sometimes when you get really hooked on something you'd really really love to finish, time will just fly by :)