Comment on Cynphonium's profile

StarryStellary's avatar

And I've been good ~~! How about you?? :DD Yes it has been so long!! The days go by so fast I feel like this year went by too fast ;O; It's already going to be 2016!!
Cynphonium's avatar

I'm doing okay. It's really been too long! I miss the times we used to draw each other's baes X'D
Speaking of 2016, you have any new year plans? :)
StarryStellary's avatar
Yeah it has beeen!T///O///T OMG I REMEMBER THOSE TIMES!! But I always felt so bad cause my art was so terribleee T.T and your art was so lovely I felt guilty ;O; 

But you were always so supportive of my art and loved it anyway T//7//T.. <3 You were one of the people who kept me going in my art! -HUGS- RABII-SENPAAAAI~~~! Thankchuuuu~

I do! I hope that this year I can learn how to drive or something ;O; I really need to become more independent..
Cynphonium's avatar
No no, your art wasn't terrible at all! I cherished them and I still have them even now =v=/

Ahhh I'm so glad! Your art was super cute!! <333
I couldn't draw that cute either

Ah, well I can only wish you good luck with that :)
StarryStellary's avatar
;///7///; Aww Rabiiii~~~ I wanna draw something for you..!! ;///o///; As a Christmas present!!!  And are you kidding!!Your artwork was so precious and cuuuute and beautiful!!! ;///7///; <33333 Thank you so much~ ^//.//^
Cynphonium's avatar
Awww, you really don't have to! ; v ; 
Your love is enough for me <333
StarryStellary's avatar
;///w///; If I can I definitely will!! Would you be okay with late christmasu gift? Cause I'll be aways the hole christmas week T.T until new year.
Cynphonium's avatar
Yeah, I really don't mind waiting! Don't worry too much about giving me a gift Yuu ^^