Sivsi's avatar
My friend, animals have no concept of sexism whatsoever. True, some species of animals have females leading the hierarchy, but horses are not those animals. Alice's comic is semi-realistic and based on the way natural, wild horses behave, and it does NOT reflect on her own personal views and opinions.
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tessaharmse's avatar
Who gives a rats-ass wheter that's how males act in the wild. Has your little fragile mind forgotten the meaning of "a story". iT'S FAKE.... MADE UP... FADA!!!!  Go hate on someone else. Preferably someone who has just as little followers as you.  And I mean offence shuck-face!!! 
Wild-Hearts's avatar
This comment chain made me laugh! Thanks for fighting my side - and don't worry - I'm not taking it seriously! :') xx
tessaharmse's avatar
That's a pleasure. Please continue your work. It's really the best story and comic style I've ever seen! What ever you decide to do. I'll be here... :)
Gamma4000's avatar
and what are you going to do? you are telling me to stop commenting but i must break it up for you: you are powerless you cant STOP me from commenting. im not hating im pointing out let me have an opinion kiddo. 
shame on you
tessaharmse's avatar
Speak for yourself. An I never intended to stop you commenting, did I??? You're a grown-up and ur arguing with a "kiddo". Shame on YOU!!! I ain't gonna start a fight now, I'm not that childish, but hey I guess you are for  being so salty on wild hearts' comic!
Gamma4000's avatar
kiddo...You did try to stop a grown up shame on you. Get a life and mind your own buisness
tessaharmse's avatar
Woooowww what a grown up come back:" Get a life" hahahaha.... I mean that really hit me in the feels... or notthat devious smile .... Dude at least I'm still young and I can still decide on what life Imma get. I'm guessing yours consists of tryna argue with children on an art site. I  think you oughta get a life outside of deviant art and ,yo I bet you gonna reply with some better come back or something... but dude just don't . You're gonna make an even bigger fool of yourselfNick (Deal with it!) - Icon 
Gamma4000's avatar
i see how much of a kid you are... :V
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PurplePandaNerd's avatar
Do your research.

While mares can and have played a dominant role in the herd, it's more common for a stallion to do so.

Might I add that the previous person said "semi-realistic"? Partially realistic. Stallion normally do not normally lash out at mares, yes, but! When it comes to pecking order, they lash out if any horse that encroaches on their space. Alice merely portrayed Flash in such a way as to display his cruel nature as a CHARACTER, and not a realistic portrayal of an ANIMAL. 
(And might I add that it had been an accident that he struck her, when he meant to kill Francis?)

And as the artist above mentioned: some species have a female dominance present in their hierarchy, like Hyenas. Horses? Not so much.

Have you actually studied on the way horses work socially?
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PurplePandaNerd's avatar
You are talking about the pecking order among a group of tamed horses. And we are talking about wild horses here. Have you worked with wilds? Have you watched any documentaries, or read about their social behavior from a book or two?

Just because you ride tame horses and spend time with them doesn't mean you know how wild ones work.

Also: you just mentioned 'lessons', which I would assume are rising lessons, so that begs the question: are their stallions present at your barn (unlikely given the unpredictable nature of stallions if there are mares present), or geldings (castrated stallions)? That makes a HUGE difference here.
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PurplePandaNerd's avatar
You are comparing HORSE behavior to HUMAN behavior at this point, and that is just...asinine. 

Horses do no control a company where they need to make calculations and things only a HUMAN could do.
Horses do not go based on a good temper in the wild.
Horses do not think the way we humans do. That's where you're getting all over the place with your argument.
The mares fall under the protection of whatever stallion is in charge. The may initiate the forward movement, but he stays behind and 'herds' them. He protects them from behind.

Horses in captivity (otherwise known as 'tamed') may have instinct left (what horse doesn't?), but it still boils down to PECKING ORDER! Just because a mare is the 'dominant' one of the bunch does not mean she is the top dog, the leader, the one in charge. 

Again, you are mixing up human behavior and emotions into this, and that only makes things worse for you. You seem to have it in your head that horses and humans think alike, well NEWS FLASH! We do not. We are two different species. We may form bonds and work well together at times, but there are also times where we do not.
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PurplePandaNerd's avatar
Are you going based on that one link? Or have you researched several? And that article goes based on Wikipedia, from the looks of it. We all know just how reliable Wikipedia is...not. 

But you seem to be ignoring what I said earlier, too. I mentioned that it isn't impossible that a mare could lead, and it has happened before, but it's usually a stallion you see. And also: mares usually do tend to control part of the herd, but stallion protects and guides. "Leads" them, if you will. Not that you'll regard this part, you seem to like to ignore things that myself and other's try to tell you.

And how is my statement ridiculous? And I find your whole attitude toward males in general to be sexist in and of itself. Males are not all bad. 
Now please answer my question: are there stallions or geldings where you ride?
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