Comment on DCW01's profile

narrated's avatar
Cheers for the watch guy. Liking the gallery. As I said, your line work is swish. How long have you been at B.T then?
DCW01's avatar
8 years in various guises. I manage to get quite a bit of drawing done though in my current position so I'm sticking at it as long as I can.

What about you?
narrated's avatar
I literally just started in grad bay the yesterday. I'm trying to balance working there with concept art for one game, development of my own indie game and an animation I'm working on too. It's not easy.
DCW01's avatar
Hey man, sorry for the long pause before replying.
So that all sounds cool. best of luck with it all. What is your game about?
narrated's avatar
No worries guy, it's about a zombie cowboy called Rutger, it's in the style of the old school point and click adventures like Monkey Island and Full Throttle. I know Zombies are hot shit right now with COD and Read Dead Redemption but I've had this idea for over 2years now, I'm just A. lazy and B. not very good at it.