Comment on WaywardInsecticon's profile

kenyastarflight's avatar
So is it terrible that I want to make fan characters for Harbourmaster?  ^^;  Do you have any sort of policy on fanfic?  Or would you rather people left your 'verse alone?
WaywardInsecticon's avatar
Given how much fanfic I've written over the years, it'd be jerk of me to be all 'no fic'.  And I think it's super cool that someone is inspired by something I've done.  But you can't make more money off it than I do ( so stay below zero. ;) )

Beyond that, the one thing I will hold firm forever on is Aquaan skin colours.  They're brown.  I don't care if they're great bioengineers and could change their skin colour if they wanted to.  They don't want to.

( They could bioengineer up a beard, though, if one decided that facial hair was cool. )
kenyastarflight's avatar
Thank you.  :)  I have no intention of making money off of your work, I simply love the universe you've created enough to want to explore it a bit more.  And thanks for the note on the Aquaans.

...if I have to stay below zero, does that mean I pay you for doing fanwork?  ;)  :XD:
WaywardInsecticon's avatar
Didn't figure you'd be getting paid for it, but I thought I should add the standard boilerplate of Just In Case. ;)

Ha!  I don't think I'm at the licensing stage quite yet. ;)