Comment on MCMXC2's profile

SuccubusSyndrome's avatar
wow... im just. wow. went back and rest the comments.. Mario used to commission me back when i was starting out as a digital artist.. used to comment on my art and give me a little encouragement to improve. i lost touch with my DA for a long while, and only came back a few months ago on my newer account. Tonight i decided to go find people who were supportive of my art on my old DA, and saw his icon, came to say hey and see how he was doing only to find out he died back in July. it's strange how he wasn't in my life at all for so long, but now that i know he passed away it feels .. idk. weird. not knowing he's been dead all this time.. Rest in peace. you were a good guy from what i can remember of you Mario. Let this be a reminder to all of us to take care of ourselves and watch out health. things like this really can happen to anyone :c  

Red RoseBHB Emote Tombstone Headstone Dead RIP 
s-a-i-l-o-r-b-a-e's avatar
how did you find this out?? 
i used to talk to him all the time he would comment on my pictures all the time :( 
SuccubusSyndrome's avatar
i read through the comments back to june/july