Deidara-Clone's avatar
Good, they should have stuff like that in kids shows; it'll get them to see that it isn't a bad thing or a big deal.  Though watch, someone somewhere will be all up in arms about it and have the show pulled.
TheZero759's avatar
Actually, because the show claims that their species (gems) have no Gender, they can get away with it. Despite this: they look, act and sound very obviously female (they even use the female pronouns like she and her). Plus they spend all their time as the same person anyway, so I guessed no stupid people have noticed them yet.

Also, they are pretty good singers:…
Deidara-Clone's avatar
Hm, guess so.  Still, at least they're doing something good with it.
TheZero759's avatar
Indeed. And it's actually a pretty funny show.
TheZero759's avatar
So how's Ryuu Today?
Deidara-Clone's avatar
Journal explains it - pretty good.
TheZero759's avatar
Alright then.,