Comment on Droemar's profile

weirdsketch's avatar
It's an amazing book to say the least. ^ ^
you won't find much in the way of trailers, it's still a work in progress. However, i can leave you this link
Droemar's avatar
Cool! Thanks a lot! And if you've got time on your hands, feel free to check out some of the comments my raptor tutorial has gotten. This morning was a guy saying "feather evidence is sketchy at best" and dinosaurs were lizards.
I read an article on how the zombie apocalypse wouldn't be that big a deal using scientific facts, and a bunch of people in the article were like "Nuh-uh! It would totally happen because of these fantasy ideas!"
I was struck by how similar the comments were to my raptor tutorial comments.
weirdsketch's avatar
Hey no problem!
"feather evidence is sketchy at best," that might just be the most ignorant thing I've read in awhile. I'm sure you're already aware, but there is a ridiculous amount of evidence supporting feathered dinosaurs. We have physical evidence that all sorts of dinosaurs sported feathers from Microraptor to Yutyrannus. In fact some time ago it was through A dinosaur's feathers (Sinosauropteryx) that we were able to uncover it actual colors! That's amazing! Paleontologists have been saying for years one of the few things we'll never learn about dinosaurs is what colors they were, and yet here we have a feathered dinosaur, which thanks to the fact it had feathers(well... ptoto-feathers...), who's colors we were able to figure out! Now obviously not all dinosaurs had feathers, I'm pretty doubtful Argentinosaurus was packing a feathery coat, but there are definitely dinosaurs that had feathers.
Trust me Droemar i know your pain, my uncle just straight up believes they never existed and he never wastes a moment when he gets the chance to remind me.
Droemar's avatar
Man, I'm sorry. That sucks to have someone completely disregard dinosaurs. That's way worse than someone who wants them to be a certain way.
I attended a speech by a lady who was on the color team! And yes, it was amazing how they were able to map the colors.
weirdsketch's avatar
I've learned to live with it.
Really? Careful Droemar, you'll make me jealous. I love hearing about dinosaur related news like the recent discoveries with Spinosaurus and the discovery of Regaliceratops.
Droemar's avatar
Regaliceratops looks SO COOL!
I've seen Spinosaurus teeth from Morroco for sale on Ebay. Would be so cool to hold the tooth of a predator who lived millions of years ago!
weirdsketch's avatar
The moment i saw Regaliceratops it instantly became my new favorite ceratopsian, no contest.
I actually own 2 Megalodon teeth and a plethora of smaller fossils from shells to ferns. I would love to own an Allosaurus fossil though.