Asagi-K-Kurosaki's avatar
Hi there, I'm sorry, what topics? I'm not sure what you're referring to ^^;
danvixes's avatar
i mean like seperate them in folders so when people want to see wat title they want to see they can press the folder so it will be easier for them to search wat they want in ur featured
Asagi-K-Kurosaki's avatar
Oh!! You know, I actually tried that before, and it made things MUCH more cluttered and difficult and hard to find things, I do tag everything as accurately as I can though so the search box should help :)
danvixes's avatar
ohhh ok sry to ask you about the questions and are you still writing bbxrae fanfiction
Asagi-K-Kurosaki's avatar
It's ok, and yes I am :) In fact I just updated my on-going series Leave Out All The Rest last Thursday :) I have admittedly gotten less oneshots done lately though, but I plan to start those up again at some point