jhubert's avatar
I intend this to be a directory of links to stock images so that people who use them can find them more easily.

Obviously, it's still in the earliest phases...
Mehrunnisa-stock's avatar
It is a pretty good idea!
jhubert's avatar
That's what I thought, too.

Stock images suffer from the same problems as tutorials (the original topic of the wiki) - there are just so many of them that finding the precise image you need is extremely difficult - even with Google Image Search. Creating some sort of directory that lists images by topic makes more sense IMO - and putting the directory into a wiki makes it easier for other people to add their own images to the lists.

And this is vital. I mean, trying to sort stock images is clearly a task beyond that of a single person. How many stock images are there on DeviantArt? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? I've tried to create a simple stucture where people can add their own images (together with a few example links), but the rest needs to be done other people - preferably the stock photographers themselves.

So, feel like adding your own images to the lists? ;)