cryptidsaurian's avatar
huh, well I thought it may have behaved like a crocidile waiting for a sauropod to bring it's head down for a drink and then grab ir by the neck and suffocate it but your probably right :)
Algoroth's avatar
I love the picture your theory conjures up for me! I have to do a pic of it!
cryptidsaurian's avatar
go right on ahead, :)
Algoroth's avatar
I will do so! If I remember correctly, Majungasaurus lived on an island. The pic I want ti make would have a giant sauropod, so I guess I'll have to use artistic license or suppose a giant swam to the island. Elephants do it today, so why not a sauropod back then?
cryptidsaurian's avatar
:O,, Um ok I guess, you could do that, but I don't think a "giant sauropod" would be the best idea. :D
Algoroth's avatar
The pic will be humorous. :)
cryptidsaurian's avatar
nice to see my hypothesis is humorous to you :XD:
Algoroth's avatar
I'm not making fun of it. The hypothesis sounds reasonable to me. I just had this vision of a huge 'ttitanosaur rearing its neck up in surprise with a young Majungasaurus hanging on. Take a look at my tyrannosaur family scene. The scene is possible, and the humor comes from the young ones bothering the parents.

Actually, if something brings no reaction to me, one way or the other, I see it as being useless as art. Think about it.

So please, don't have your feelings hurt. That was the last thing on my mind.
Qilong's avatar
Well, that's not that problematic; most crocs ARE ambush predators.
cryptidsaurian's avatar
so you think the idea at least has a little going for it?
Qilong's avatar
Most certainly. You should bear in mind something else, as well. Some Majungasaurus bones have been found (and published on) bearing marks that correspond to the teeth of other Majungasaurus. Whether it was just cannibalizing dead Majungas, or if it was actively killing them, is an interesting idea to explore (and unless they find proof of Majunga attacks on other Majungas while both were alive, we'll never know, but still worth thinking about.
cryptidsaurian's avatar
oh yes I had heard about that yesterday from one of patriatyrannus's paintings entitled cannibal and he gave a short descriptionof that..... so if it were an act of predation in your opinion what would you make of it? it seems there are a lot of different ideas so I was wanting your opinion.
Qilong's avatar
I have no idea. It just looks like one Majunga was eating flesh from another Majunga; presumably the one being eaten was dead at the time, or died shortly thereafter. There's no way to tell. We know the eaten did not survive being eaten, because the cuts did not heal. This doesn't tell us if it was scavenged or attacked by the eater.
cryptidsaurian's avatar
ok, i'm sorry I worded my last sentence incoorectly, I meant if one were eaten alive but I now see that irelavent because without an actual bone its hard to tell :/
Qilong's avatar
This is very unfortunately true.