ConscriptDavid's avatar
There was never such a thing "Palestine".

it's the name the Romans gave to Israel and the east bank, after the Jewish rebellion in 70 BC.
alevkov's avatar
this is exactly the reason why is israel missing on the map.
ConscriptDavid's avatar
there is such a land called Israel today. Therefore, it should be on the map.

if Sudan is here, if Jordan is here, then Israel should be here too.
alevkov's avatar
I don t belive there s a land called Israwful, but i know for sure that Israelis never owned their own land. That s a bubble by some religious nuts.
ConscriptDavid's avatar
hey, can you name one independant arab state that existed in that area?

let's see... nope. not at all. arabs arrived here only in 600ad.

now about jews...

The kingdom of David,later split into the Kingdom of Jehuda and The kingdom of israel, Later conquered by Assyria, babylon, Persia, and then Greeks.

The comes forth the 80 years rule of the Hashmonaim, after the jews rebelled against the Greeck occupation. then come the romans. in that time we have two rebellions, one which sees the burning of the 2nd temple, exile of Jews from Israel,and the renaming of Israel to Palestinia provincia. Jews scatter across the roman empire.
alevkov's avatar
wumming on the highest level.... folks reading this... i just moved on .... i was like this lad is nuts!!!!
ConscriptDavid's avatar
you either high, stupid, a troll, or just ignorant.

Whatever the case is, you are simply not worth my attention.

Good night, Douchebag.
alevkov's avatar
If facepalms were still en vogue, I'd post one. Or possibly two.

To be fair, noone asked for your religious nut attention, weirdo!
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