Jubriel's avatar
Hehe, thank you. :3

I have a story around all of my dolls, the same one actually. My dolls are actually just another way to express the characters out of that story.
And Ila is indeed a little bit supernatural, and also sinister. xP Her dad, a doll that belongs to my sister, is an angel. But in the story angels aren't really good. They're more or less, a bit disturbed and dark. Hence Ila's own personality and atmosphere.
Funny that you said that really, about the sinister and supernatural thing!
faveldelannoy's avatar
XDD hahaha! as Ila has something supernatural she speaked to me and told it to me!!! :D

Hummmm... a sinister angel, that sounds really good! :)
*thinking about Ila's childhood* I imagine her runing away into the forests, a place where angels can go... but... is she an angel too? (now I'm thinking about (pos)apocalyptical things but no in a city, but something more with the "nature" perhaps?)

And I don't mind if she is dark or anything, I think she is fantastic! (I usually love sinister characters :mwahaha: ) XD

PS: I have tho say that I LOVE YOUR AVATAR TOO!!! :D
Jubriel's avatar
Nope, Ila herself is not an angel. She's factually half an angel in her human life, so that's why she has some supernatural things already. She'll probably get promotioned to angel when she dies though, since her dad has a lot of influence and she's the apple of his eye. xD
She lives in a very huge city, the capital of the world so to speak, cuz' that's where the whole story takes place when it comes to earth.
It's all too much to tell really, there's so much story behind it all I could write my entire DA full of it and still be unfinished. xD

PS: Hehe, thx, it's a random thing my sister found for me on the internet :3
faveldelannoy's avatar
*o* intereeesting!

And I can imagine it would be difficult to tell all the story ^^;
Can I ask if it has any title?

One last thing... your sister has an account on dA and his avatar is a fiddle? (If the answer is posittive, I think I've seen Ila's father... but maybe I'm wrong ^^; )
Jubriel's avatar
Nope, it doesn't really have a title. At least the part I told you about doesn't. Ila is actually more of a side-character. The main characters of mine are Mordec, who you can also see pictures of on my DA, and Dahlia, who is in the making. :3

My sister doesn't have a DA account unfortunatly. She does have Livejournal though, if you're interested to see Il Delagrand(Ila's dad).
A shoot on my sisters LJ of Ila, her half-brother, and her father: [link]
faveldelannoy's avatar
wooo, they look fantastic! :wow:

and your Mordec is.... (she have no words) *A*