Shmuel-DreamY's avatar
Stupid boy :)

there was never been a country called Palestine
This is the name the Romans called Israel
Palestinian =  Arabs from the areas Egypt Jordan  Lebanon and more
who immigrated to Israel

Gat a life
WritingReaper's avatar
Palestine was a region long before Israel was a country. Learn your history.
LordXavamros's avatar
A region never a country
WritingReaper's avatar
My point was that the jerk above was wrong. And I would like to point out that the British promised the Arabs a country of their own in the Palestinian region, decades before Israel was a country. This of course is another issue, but my main point was to disprove Mr. Smarty Pants above.
LordXavamros's avatar
"There was never a country called Palestine" not until 1993.  When the UN created Israel they tried to create a Palestinian State but the Arabs rejected it.

British screwed up the entire region with the boarders they drew.
WritingReaper's avatar
That I do agree with. Things could have been so different if things had been better managed and promises had been kept.
faissaloo's avatar
Go back to school and learn to spell