Rollwurst's avatar
Thank you! The picture is an old one (from 2007), we will wear the costumes in a few month again, so I looked some of those old images anf found this one. How are you? We have still winter here (this year is a really snowy winter..but slowly it's melting...juhuu...)
Ryu-Ka's avatar
I'm great ^^
It's been really hot.
It wasn't overly hot at the start of summer
But lately we've been getting 35 to 43 degree days D;
Rollwurst's avatar
Wow..this IS hot. We had -20 degrees (= °C) the last week, but now it is better, it's around -4 degrees. and I saw some migratory birds (there will be spring...there MUST be spring *-*..soooometimes..)
Ryu-Ka's avatar
I can't wait for it to be winter again
(I much prefer the cold :D)

Although it is much more fun
to go to the beach when it's hot XD

I'll be going to the Gold Coast
with a couple of my friends next week :excited:
Rollwurst's avatar
I'm jealous. You can have the winter and I will go to the Gold coast? That's a deal, isn't it??????
Ryu-Ka's avatar
Okay XD
Though I don't know how you'll manage it LOL
Rollwurst's avatar
What about... beaming? Like they do in star Trek? ><°
Ryu-Ka's avatar
Haha LOL YES! that'd work XD