Zoe-the-Pink-Ranger's avatar
Is she falling out of reality? :o
A moving piece with a strong sense of tragedy about it.
Well done :clap:
Shasta-MD's avatar
Sorta. She's dying.

In the last few episodes her and Haruka decided to join Galaxia so Galaxia stole Neptune and Uranus' sailor crystals and replaced them with her bracelets. Once they betrayed galaxia, galaxia removed the bracelets from Haruka and Michiru and they died.
Zoe-the-Pink-Ranger's avatar
From what I read, the bracelets go and you don't just die, you cease to exist completely... I still need to see seasons 4 & 5 :blush:
Shasta-MD's avatar
Yup! But the animators slowed their deaths down a bit for these two :) Very sad indeed...:(
Zoe-the-Pink-Ranger's avatar
Presumably to increase the impact of the scene :(